Jaitak Fort

Jaitak Fort

Geography:- It lies 30º 36' north and 77º 24' east at an elevation above the sea level 1479 m above msl.

Climate:- Pleasant climate throughout the year

                           The Jaitak hills is a historical place in the annals of Sirmour.  It was here that the most important battle was fought between the British forces and the Gurkhas.  Jaitak is the name applied to a peak, or rather two peaks.  About 19 km to the north of Nahan, Jamta falls on the Nahan-Dadahu motorable road.  An ascent of about 3 km has to be negotiated form Jamta to gain Jaitak.  A hill fortress one crowned the Jaitak hill which is a steep ridge of slate and which rises above the Kayarda Dun, 30-36’ north and 77-24’ east, in the Nahan tehsil. The elevation above the sea level is about 1479 m. The fortress was constructed by Ranjor Singh Thapa,  the Gurkha leader, when


he attacked and sacked Nahan in about 1810.   A small hamlet is the only remnant of old Jaitak.  It commands a fine view of the Sain, Nahan and Dharthi hills.  The famous Jaitak Khel of Kanets derives its name from this village.

How to reach there:-  About 22 Km form Nahan





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